We are very pleased to announce that the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab at the University of Victoria has now officially been approved by the EU’s Research Executive Agency as Associated Partner of DiXiT.
As part of this collaboration Ray Siemens, Canada Research Chair in Humanities Computing and Distinguished Professor in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Victoria, in English and Computer Science, will be co-supervising DiXiT fellow Daniel Powell’s PhD research on social editing.
Moreover, DiXiT will be partnering with the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) in order to offer opportunities for members to participate in the series of DH courses at the University of Victoria, June 1st-5th 2015, June 8th-12th 2015, and June 15th-19th 2015.
Registration for DHSI is now open. This year will see an expansion from the regular 1 week institute to 3 weeks of courses, in part to support those enrolled in the Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities at U Victoria. Participants may choose to attend 1, 2, or all 3 week-long workshops. In 2015, 40 courses ranging from old favourites to exciting first-time ventures will be on offer. Each week of DHSI will include a week long training workshop, and the core week (June 8th-12th) will also include morning colloquia, lunchtime unconferences, and Birds-of-a-Feather sessions. Throughout the institute, keynote lectures will be led by Malte Rehbein (U Passau), David Hoover (NYU), Claire Warwick (UC London), and Constance Crompton (UBC Okanagan). Tuition scholarships are available for students, and DiXiT members can register at a discounted cost of $300.00 for students and $650.00 for non-students (for registration before April 1st 2015).
For a full list of courses, to register, to apply for a tuition scholarship, or for more information, please go to dhsi.org. Make sure to register with a DiXiT discount code (Partner-Student or Partner-Non-Student). Details and requirements for proposing a course for DHSI 2016 are available at dhsi.org/events.php.
We are very happy this new transatlantic partnership is strengthening and connecting more closely our activities in the field of digital scholarly editions on both sides of the sea.