The teaching materials of the second DiXiT camp in Graz are now available here!
Month: October 2014
DH training event in Verona, 28-30 October
From 28 – 30 October 2014, the Department for Foreign Languages and Literature at the University of Verona hosts an introductory Seminar on Digital Humanities, aimed at PhD students and researchers in humanities disciplines. This seminar is fully endorsed by DiXiT and features, among others, Domenico Fiormonte and Tiziana Mancinelli. DiXiT ESR 12 Fellow Federico Caria will also participate. For more information, see the flyer.
New section for additional events
In the future, DiXiT will endorse and collaborate on events that are not part of the core DiXiT programme. For this reason, we have created a new section on the website to provide information about these additional events. The first additions are an introductory training event about Digital Humanities in Verona, end of October (see separate news post), and a workshop in Sassari in December. More information on the latter event will follow.

Report on DiXiT Camp 2 online
Check out the DiXiT Blog for Heidi Dowding’s account of the second DiXiT Camp in Graz.