The second DiXiT camp will take place in Graz from Sunday, 14 September – Friday, 19 September 2014. It will be an intensive training on XML TEI P5 for Digital Scholarly Editions and on standards, tools and software for creating digital editions.
Day: June 23, 2014
Launch of RIDE – Review Journal for Digital Editions
The Institute for Documentology and Scholarly Editing (IDE), associated partner of the DiXiT network, is happy to announce the launch of a new review journal, RIDE. The IDE aims to make digital editions and resources more visible and to provide a forum in which expert peers can evaluate and discuss the efforts of digital editors in order to improve current practices and advance future developments. It will do so by asking its reviewers to pay attention not only to the traditional virtues and vices of any edition, but also to the evolving methodology and its technical implications.
You can access all reviews at: