Convention 2: Travel bursaries

Travel bursaries available

Four travel bursaries of up to 250 € each are still available for the 2nd DiXiT Convention in Cologne, 15-18 March 2016.


Candidates must be early stage researchers (M.A. students, PhD candidates) and have already registered to attend the conference (registration form).


To apply please send a CV and a completed questionnaire to

Application deadline is 1 March 2016.

MMSDA 2016 in London and Cambridge

The schedule for the sixth MMSDA (Medieval and Modern Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age) course is available and applications are open now.
The course, run by DiXiT with the Institute of English Studies (London), the University of Cambridge, the Warburg Institute, and King’s College London, will take place in London and Cambridge from Monday 2 May 2016 – Friday 6 May 2016. .

For further details see /mmsda